Npower NEXIT Loan: Checkout How Npower Batch C1 Can Register for NEXIT Loan After Exit

How Npower Batch C1 Can Register for NEXIT Loan After Exit can be accessed below.
According to the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, NEXIT (N-EXIT), also known as the NEXIT loan program, is an exit or transition plan designed to provide training and low-interest loans and grants to the beneficiary Npower if the Npower program ends.
The Ministry is working with the Central Bank of Nigeria to provide loans ranging from N250,000 to N3,000,000 through CBN Intervention Programs such as COVID-19 Covered Line of Credit Loan, AGSMEIS Loan and the Nigerian Loan Scheme such as the Nigerian Youth Investment Fund.
Npower NEXIT Loan: Checkout How Npower Batch C1 Can Register for NEXIT Loan After Exit
The NEXIT loan will initially target existing beneficiaries of Batches A and B of the Npower program and then transition to beneficiaries of Batch C, according to the ministry.
The Federal Department of Humanitarian Aid, Disaster Management and the development of social advertisements for beneficiaries of Batch C1 Npower products, which is a separate NEXIT program.
The registration process for NEXIT is effected through the NASIMS service portal at
Training on NEXIT Loans is essential for Batch C beneficiaries who incorporate Batch C 1 into the NEXIT Loans program.
To enrol in the NEXIT Loan Training, the ministry uses the USSD code *45665# and deducts N30 air time for each transaction.
How to register in the NEXIT Loan Training And Confirm Availability
- Dial the USSD Code *45665#
- with any MTN (or other networks) line
- Select 2 (NEXIT) from the Menu by replying with the number “2”.
- Select 1 from the Next Menu to Check Eligibility Status.
- Enter your Npower Phone Number or BVN, then Send.
- Accept for N30 to be deducted from your Airtime, then it will say Thank you.
- Just wait for SMS alert, you will see a message confirming your Status from Npower.
- If shortlisted, redial the code *45665# again.
- Select 2 in the Next menu to Confirm availability for the NEXIT Loan Training.
- Repeat numbers 4, 5 & 6, you will get a text message saying you have successfully confirmed your availability for the NEXIT Loan Training.
- But because their information is already in the system, the Batch C1 Npower beneficiaries will use it for the NEXIT Loan Enrolment.
- But the USSD Code can be utilized for convenience if a candidate cannot access the Internet.
- The Ministry will select approved Entrepreneurship Development Institutions (EDI) to deliver the NEXIT Loan Training.
- The creation and submission of the Business Plan is a crucial step in the NEXIT Loan application process.
The loan amount that a candidate can obtain is determined by the candidate’s business plan. Higher loan amounts, up to N3 million, would be offered if the business plan is determined to be viable